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Donnerstag, 29. September 2016

My definition of love

Love is so much more than just cuddling and fucking each other's hearts out.
It drives you crazy, wild or mad.
It can be intense and breathtaking.
It can also give you certainty but uncertainty too.
It is build up on trust, loyalty and respect.
It has the power to change you and to let your heart speak.
Love is the only gift on earth,
everybody needs but not everybody gives.
The only thing 
that everybody wants, but not everybody appreciates it.
You need it calm or passionate
like yin and yang - always both sides.
It is our drug, to stay high and if we lost it, it drives us mad. 
So why do we give up that easily just becaue of some black times?
Without making everyone conscious about the possibility to give and receive love, humanity will die someday.

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